Preparing for our third departure: Europe to the Canaries
Circumnavigation Page 11 - picking up the thread... some years later
Little Hallberg: quo vadis? Are you at it again?
When, and in what form this Page 11 of our Circumnavigation saga was to develop was anyone's guess... It was clear, from 2021 onwards, that at some stage we would - Deo Volentum - "hit the road again, Jack" (or should that be wave, Marco & Laura?). Ngahue IV underwent many smaller and larger improvements as we maintained her "ocean-going" status and in form to be ready for the moment when we would/could head off again. Matters like keeping our medical stores and certification up-to-date, or correcting our paper charts so that they are up to date require continuous time and effort. Most of the technical improvements we made to our boat are described in the About Ngahue - tecnical pages. Which leaves the following text and pages as the beginning of a new travel-log for our sailing activities...
The be completed as and when...
Date to be determined: This page is now complete - please move on to Circumnavigation Page 12.