Index of the main subjects dealt with on this site:
In January 2023, we felt that it might be useful to start an index of the main topics and brands discussed throughout the Ngahue IV site. Please find below a basic start, which we will try to make more detailed as time passes. Please note that because the Ngahue IV site has been built using a 1990s software package, introducing lots of hyperlinks is a slow process and hardly very sophisticated compared to what is possible these days.
For nearly all our service providers mentioned throughout the whole site, we have, on the relevant site page, included hyperlinks to these service providers for readers to use. Once or twice a year we test all links to see whether companies are still active; indeed some companies have merged or been acquired by other groups. Some unfortunately disappear over time... The links in the middle column will take you to the relevant page of this site, through not necessarily the relevant paragraph (that would be asking our old Homepage builder just a bit too much. So you may have to browse through a whole page to find a specific sub-subject. Often you will be helped by the presence in the body of the text of company logos or some photos...
Subject(s) dealt with: | Site-link to Page where discussed: | Summary (key words) of the topic: |
A - ARC - Admiral Insurance - Air Only - Anchors - Aquatech | The ARC-> Annual crossing of the Atlantic Ocean Admiral-> UK Insurance company for Boats Air Only-> External to Internal Ventilation Ground tackle-> Our Vulcan and CQR main anchors Watermaker-> Aquatech Watermakers from Germany |
C - Covid-19 - Caframo - A Circumnavigation in parts | Our World ARC & Covid-19; an unexpected killer issue Caframo ventilators inside the boat Chronological description of our 2 departures (2017 & 2019) |
D - Davits (Batsystem) - Dinghy | Our Batsystem davits Our new AB Dinghy |
E - Elvstrom/EPEX | Elvstrom Sails/EPEX sails and the rest of our sail wardrobe |
F- Flex-o-Fold - Food management at sea - Force 10 - Furuno Electronics | Flex-o-Fold Folding Propellor Looking after your food during long ocean passages Force 10 gas oven Furuno: Most of our boat electronics on board |
H - Hallberg-Rassy & Shop Hallberg-Rassy/(HR Parts) - HRC - Hydraulics | A description of Hallberg-Rassy The specialised HR Chandlery in Ellös The Benelux HR Owners Connection -> HRC Hydraulic systems on board |
I - ICOM - Insurance - Isotherm - Iridium | ICOM SSB: MF/HF Communications Admiral Insurance & Pantaenius (from Germany) Isotherm Refrigeration units Iridium IOP Satellite Communications provided by AST (UK) |
L - Lewmar | Lewmar Commander Hydraulics - Mamba Drive |
M - Medical training & equipment | Medical Training at RelyonNutech & Medical Equipment & stores from MSOS in Southampton (UK) |
N - Ngahue/previous Ngahue yachts - The HRC Ngahue IV Trophy | Presenting Ngahue IV & Our Plans with Ngahue IV & Homepage of this site |
Explanation of the names Ngahue and Poutini - list of previous Ngahue boats The story behind the HRC Ngahue IV Trophy! (scroll down to last part of the Skippers' Page) |
P - Pantaenius Insurance - Photo & Picture galleries | Yacht insurance/global cover from Pantaenius (Germany) Photo and picture material for 2016-17-19-21-22-23 |
R - Raymarine - Magnus Rassy - Reviews HR53 - Rig | Raymarine electronics on board and our two Autopilots Magnus Rassy HR CEO: his interest in Ngahue IV and the ARC Two 1990s reviews of the HR53 How Seldén and Reckman elements make up Ngahue IV's rig |
S - Shop Hallberg-Rassy - Simrad VHF - Solbian - SQUID | HR Parts: buying 'original' spares for the boat Simrad VHF Communications Solbian Flexible solar panels SQUID (Great Circle) weather forecasting & routing services |
T - Teak deck | General description of Teak deck maintenance Special feature page on 2022-23 restoration |
V - Ventilation - Victron - Volvo-Penta | Air Only and Caframo sources of ventilation on board Victron Batteries, Regulators and Chargers Our Volvo Penta main engine |
W - Watt & Sea - Westerbeke | Watt & Sea Hydro-generator 600W Westerbeke 220V/6KW generator |
Y - Y/B Tracker | The Y/B Tracker: a description & the services offered - the boat's current position |